March 19: Impromptu Poker
Poker was on and off all week. Finally, Friday afternoon, several guys committed to coming over that night to play with H. They didn't get started until almost 10, but it sure sounded like everyone had a good time.
March 20: There is no picture today because I spent the day in Atlanta with a college friend whose husband was in a terrible automobile accident and is now paralyzed from his sternum down. Being with her was important and a special time for our friendship.
March 21: Make your own pizza and have s'more funA church family hosted the youth tonight. We made our own pizza and then made s'mores in their firepit. M loved every minute of it!
March 22: In celebration of Mema's 80th birthday, everyone in our family took a picture holding this 8 and 0. Dad put together a card for her. She loved it!
March 23: Cookbook Committee The cookbook committee came over for dinner and a brainstorm session. We got tons of work done and enjoyed an evening together.
March 24: Waking up to donuts Sometimes after H has a meeting at church, we wake up to donuts! It is one of our favorite things!
March 25: No was a super stressful day. School, rushing home to pack, several hours on the road, arriving at my parents' house very late.
March 26: Proud Police Officer Because I didn't have a picture yesterday, I'm going to include two pictures today. This is my brother Zach. He was sworn in as an official police officer today. He earned the top award for physical fitness improvement. We couldn't be more proud of his accomplishment!
March 27: First Easter Egg HuntThis was M's first Easter Egg Hunt of 2010. She had so much fun rushing around finding eggs in Nona and OB's yard. Uncle Zach kept throwing his eggs on the ground, much to M's delight. She finally gave up her basket and started shoving eggs in her jacket pocket!
March 28: Have information from a restaurant in Hilton Head.
March 29: A Day at the Beach
March 30: All I got accomplished
The only thing I accomplished today was running the dishwasher. The rest of the day was spent snuggled on the couch or in bed with M. We were so exhausted after our long weekend that we stayed in our pj's and watched TV all day.
April 1: Spring is here!
Love all of your pictures...what a full and wonderful life you have and are capturing with your picture a day! And sweet Meryt is truly getting more and more beautiful...the picture of her on March 31st is stunning. Thanks for catching us up. :)