Thursday, March 18, 2010

Project Life: March 7-18

The past two weeks have flown by in a blur. I've got to make an effort to slow down.

March 7: M LOVES my glasses

M loves to wear my glasses and pretend to do "mama" things. She'll read my books, play on the computer, wash dishes, etc, when she's got them on.

March 8: Pet love Mocha and Gretel love each other so much! We'll find them playing and cuddling together all the time. They even get in trouble together! Gretel loves to unroll the toilet paper roll. If she's having trouble getting it started, Mocha will nudge it with her nose!

March 9: A girl and Gretel M is a great mother for Gretel. It kind of stinks being a "grandma" at 32, but it's so much fun to hear M say, "Mama loves you, Gretel-girl."

March 10: No fear! Gretel has fallen in the bathtub three times now and is still not intimidated by the tub! We can't keep her out of the bathroom or away from the tub. I thought cats were not suppsed to like water?!

March 11 and 12: No photo for March 11. Have some material from an important meeting to include. March 12, keeping private for my family.

March 13: Harlem Globetrotter's Game We took the youth to the Harlem Globetrotter's Game today. The weather was FREEZING, but the game was AWESOME. We all had so much fun!

March 14: Sneaky Kitty

Gretel has a strange fascination with the laptop. It must feel warm to her paws because we can't keep her off of it.
March 15: Decorating for Bunko

M and I decorated the house for Bunko today. She loved helping me take down the curtains and hanging St. Patrick's Day flags instead.
March 16: Bunko!
Green boa on the chandelier. Shepherd's Pie and Pineapple Lime Salad for dinner. Everyone seemed to have fun!
March 17: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

March 18:

We rewarded ourselves for making it through the week with a quick trip to Moe's. It was deliciouos and filling and just what we needed!

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