Sunday, January 31, 2010

Project Life: Jan 30 and 31

January 30: Baby's 1st Birthday

We drove several hours to be with the Lovekamp family for S's first birthday. It was such a special time: seeing friends, sharing in a milestone, snuggling that sweet girl.

January 31: Youth

Here they are! Their very first project! We had a great time this morning with our newest charges. We hope they had fun, too. Our very first topic together: worldviews!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Project Life: Jan 27, 28, and 29

January 27: Bath Time Bubbles

M loves to take her evening bath. She plays for a while by herself and then helps wash her hair and brush her teeth.

January 28th: Chocolate Mouth

Another bath photo, but it shows how much M enjoys chocolate ice cream! Actually, she is just like H and loves anything chocolate.

January 29: Chip-n-Cheese House

This is our family's favorite restuarant. We eat here about once a week. We joined friends here last Friday and this week. A perfect way to end the week and begin the weekend! M calls any Mexican restaurant "the Chip-n-Cheese house."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Project Life: Jan 25 and 26

January 25: A little lovin'

Just a little mama-daughter lovin. Can't get enough of it.

January 26: First spaghetti Victorious! M ate spaghetti at home! A new world of dining is opening up for us!

(I MUST charge my batteries for the flash. These flashed-out pictures are killing me!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Project Life: Jan 22, 23, and 24

Catching up, a little.

January 22: Movie night at home

This is actually a picture of our TV. We have all of the HP movies, but haven't watched them all yet. We tucked M in and then snuggled in for a movie. It was the perfect night at home.

January 23: My plants!

I love watching these guys grow every day! This is my hydro-plant-grower thingy. I've always wanted fresh herbs, so H gave me this contraption for Christmas. My little pods are doing great!

January 24: Singing at Small Group

This was the trio at small group tonight. Mrs. J was playing her guitar. Mr. P was on the mandolin (which tickled M to no end. She LOVES a mandolin!). Little E was playing the "whistle." "It Is Well With My Soul" has never been so heartfelt before!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Project Life: Jan 21

This is our new "snuggle" time. I'm trying to take care of my evening internet-ing and M wants to be right there with me. I love it! She wants to know everything I'm doing. I love this sweet time with her and am so thankful for it--that she's at an age when she wants to be with me, doing the things I do. That will pass before I know it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Project Life: Jan 19 and 20

January 19: True Friends
These are my bunko friends. I couldn't shoulder the burdens of this life without them. Unfortunately, some have moved away, a few were subs tonight, but these women are so important to me and so loved.

January 20: Favorite Places
Had to use the camera phone for this. M loves the train table at a local bookstore. We stopped by for an impromptu train date. We were the only people there, which I don't think has ever happened before. M loved having the train all to herself!

Each Tuesday, I'm going to link up with other Project Lifers to share ideas and photos. Click on the button to follow along. (And don't ever hesitate to leave a comment. It's motivational, you know!)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Project Life: Jan 18

After cleaning house for hours today, M and I took a walk around the neighborhood. I'm amazed at how much better her coordination is getting. She did fantastic on her scooter!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Project Life: Jan 12-17; Catching Up

I promised myself I wouldn't get bent out of shape if I wasn't able to post every day. Sometimes Life is too busy to log on and get the pictures uploaded. The important thing is for me to take a picture each day. I'm not holding myself to the standard of posting every night. This project is more freeing that way.

January 12 After working 14 hours straight, I came home to this: sizzling bacon and hot pancakes. In that moment, I couldn't have been more thankful for H.

January 13 A week of very busy days required an early bedtime. This week 10:20 was too late.

January 14: This is how H and M look each morning when I come downstairs. M is snuggled in, watching her morning shows. H is snoozing on the couch while the coffee perks. I'm jealous because I'm dressed and ready to walk out of the door!

January 15:
You will often find a book on the edge of the couch. Sometimes the book belongs to me, sometimes to M.

January 16: A tea party. Four giggly girls. Lemonade and miniature sandwhiches. So much fun!

January 17:
M and I are working on some Valentine's Day decorations.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Project Life: Jan 11

Laundry: 1
Me: 0
Why does the laundry ALWAYS have the upper hand around here?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Project Life: Jan 10

The guest(s) of honor missed her (their) shower today. Aubs is hospitalized until her precious baby boy is born. It could be at the end of this week, could be several weeks more. It's a day to day decision based on her body's needs. But friends and family still gathered around to celebrate the upcoming arrival of this miracle baby. This is the proud grandma to be (and yes, I know she doesn't look old enough to be a grandmother!) and a sweet cousin named MEB's. MEB's had the distinct honor of opening the gifts and showing them to everyone, which she did with grandeur. Despite desperately missing the guest(s) of honor, we had a wonderful time.

Project Life: Jan 09

We had a great party for H last night. Forty is a big year. We were blessed to have so many important people in his life come celebrate with us.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Project Life: Jan 08

Happy 40th birthday, H! We love you!
(I've taken enough photos in my life that I should have been aware of that light behind his nose!)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Project Life: Jan 07

I have no idea where this tradition came from. I remember my mom making peanut butter toast for us (I have two younger brothers) when we were little. Every now and then, I MUST have some. M and H aren't too wild about it, so I enjoy it all by myself. Each delicious bite.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Project Life: Jan 06

{Forgive the quality of this photo. I didn't realize how bad it was until I already had it on the computer!}

Yeah! I'm so excited! My Project Life kit arrived today! I'm going to put it together tonight so I can print my pictures once a week or so and get them in the album. At the end of the year, I'll have an album with a picture from each day to tell our family's story. So fun!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Project Life: Jan 05

A girl and her fondue.
We love fondue around here. M will eat just about anything if we serve it with fondue (cheese or chocolate). H fixed himself a little bit after dinner tonight. Of course, she hurried over with her choice of dippers and helped herself to a good portion of his dessert!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Project Life: Jan 04

One evening, H came home with a case of this: my newest addiction. I've always loved Coca-Cola, but there is absolutely something special about good ole' Dr. Pepper. Welcome to my world, Dr. You light up my life. you like my blog header?? It was my very first attempt.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Project Life: Jan 03

Baby steps. Shine your sink. I don't think I've EVER spent as much time cleaning my sink, but it did make a tremendous difference. This is the first step toward getting my house under control and keeping it that way. One small discovery step at a time. I can do this!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Project Life: Jan 02

A Few of M's Favorite Things

color: blue
restaurent: Chip 'n Cheese House (any mexican restaurant)
food: chips and cheese
toy: new horse (she named it Peanut Butter)
TV show: Super Why!

This was an excellent activity for us! I was shocked by a few of M's answers! I thought for sure she'd say Chick-Fil-A was her favorite restaurant and chicken nuggets her favorite food. I knew she liked mexican, but was still a little surprised. And Super Why!? Her favorite show? Never would have guessed that one. H and I both thought she'd would say Dinosaur Train. I might ask her "favorite" questions every few months just to see how she changes over the year!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Project Life: Jan 01

This year is going to be about discovery and family. Welcome to 2010 with us!