Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Project Life: Jan 19 and 20

January 19: True Friends
These are my bunko friends. I couldn't shoulder the burdens of this life without them. Unfortunately, some have moved away, a few were subs tonight, but these women are so important to me and so loved.

January 20: Favorite Places
Had to use the camera phone for this. M loves the train table at a local bookstore. We stopped by for an impromptu train date. We were the only people there, which I don't think has ever happened before. M loved having the train all to herself!

Each Tuesday, I'm going to link up with other Project Lifers to share ideas and photos. Click on the button to follow along. (And don't ever hesitate to leave a comment. It's motivational, you know!)


  1. hi there! thanks for stopping by my blog! the book "the help" is fantastic - it is so well written, in every way. it is quickly becoming one of my favorite books. i am always eager to steal a few moments to myself so that i can read a page or two - or chapter or two :-) it is well worth the hardcover price. have a happy rest of the week!

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my project life/365 blog! I have a bunko group too. We meet once a month and I LOVE it. We haven't actually played bunko in 2 years. We just sit and have some much needed girl time! :)
