Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Project Life: February 8 and 9

February 8: No Horse and Carriage

Me: M, why is Snow White in my shoe?

M: I put her there.

Me: Why?

M: Because she didn't have a horse and carriage, so I borrowed your shoe.

February 9: Counting Down

M has been SUPER excited about some things this month, so I made a calendar for her. Each morning, she puts a sticker on the day as she counts down to the things she's looking forward to (visiting her g'parents, Valentine's Day, etc.). This is the highlight of her mornings!


  1. we need to get our girls together :) my 5 year old would totally do that! HA HA :)

  2. Hey there, Natalie! I've missed you. Clicking through here and catching up just blew my mind away...M is growing up. And doing so beautifully.

    So good to read your words and know that you and yours seem well. Please stay in touch. *hug*

  3. Cute pictures. I love Snow White's carriage. The countdown calendar is a great idea. Have a great week.
